Human Capital Management


Manage employees better.

ERP Portal comes with a complete human resource module that allows for start to finish employee tracking. This includes the automated reception of applications and data from initial candidates, tracking of employee training and certification completion, and a fully-compliant tracking system for a company’s policy system with both verbal and written warning tracking. In addition this module can be integrated with a fax or secure SMS system to allow for private human resource communications with staff or providers. The elements like time clocks, auto reviewing periods, and employee PTO tracking are essential to the human resource module's functionality.

Module includes:

  • Comprehensive employee management system

  • Full tracking of employee information and journey from integrated candidate tracking system through post-termination reporting requirements

  • Standard and custom protected-information fields for securely storing employee information

  • Single-source of data to allow self-reporting and management, company directory and compliance systems

  • Multiple time-clock deployments for both payroll and operations purposes (and the comparison for staff utilization reporting)

  • Integrated PTO tracking and reporting

  • Comprehensive employee scheduling system

  • Custom performance review options

  • Positive (recognition of employee displaying company values) and negative (verbal and written warnings) employee recognition systems